Publicaciones (70) Publicaciones de Cristina Calvo Porral


  1. The influence of social media celebrity endorsement on beer and wine purchase behaviour

    International Journal of Wine Business Research, Vol. 35, Núm. 3, pp. 390-412


  1. A barnacle-flavored beer?: Consumer acceptance of flamboyant tastes in the brewery industry

    Case Studies in the Beer Sector (Elsevier), pp. 147-162

  2. An emotion-based segmentation of bank service customers

    International Journal of Bank Marketing, Vol. 38, Núm. 7, pp. 1441-1463

  3. An emotion-based typology of wine consumers

    Food Quality and Preference, Vol. 79

  4. Creating Value From Garbage: A Marketing and Circular Economy Strategy for Sustainability

    Dynamic Strategic Thinking for Improved Competitiveness and Performance (IGI Global), pp. 114-136

  5. How consumer involvement influences beer flavour preferences

    International Journal of Wine Business Research, Vol. 32, Núm. 4, pp. 537-554

  6. Marketing challenges in economic downturns: From the lipstick to the smoothie-bar effect

    Progress in Economics Research. Volume 44 (Nova Science Publishers Inc)

  7. The Revolution of Craft Beer

    Beer : From Production to Distribution (Series: Fermented Foods and Beverages in a Global Age) (Nova Science Publishers Inc)