Comunicación, sostenibilidad y redes sociales. El caso de las aguas minerales naturales gallegas
ISSN: 1852-2300
Year of publication: 2022
Volume: 26
Issue: 1
Pages: 114-134
Type: Article
More publications in: Redmarka: revista académica de marketing aplicado
Sustainability is the social and business buzzword of our time, and social networks have become a major channel and source of information for brands and users alike. Combining these two factors, this article examines the online communication of five natural mineral brands from Galicia in order to identify the topics they deal with on their social media networks and assess their overall engagement with the issue of sustainability. The exploratory and content analyses reveal that the subject of health is common to all five brands, and the importance of sustainability is highlighted in four of them. In the case of one of the brands analysed, sustainability was found to have become a core, defining brand value.
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