Metodologías de análisis y caracterización de hexaclorociclohexano en el entorno del polígono industrial de Torneiros (Porriño-Pontevedra)

  1. E. Concha Graña 1
  2. M. Barriada Pereira 1
  3. I. Turnes Carou 1
  4. M.J. González Castro 1
  5. S. Muniategui Lorenzo 1
  6. P. López Mahía 1
  7. D. Prada Rodríguez 1
  1. 1 Universidade da Coruña

    Universidade da Coruña

    La Coruña, España



ISSN: 1135-6863

Year of publication: 2008

Issue Title: Lindano

Volume: 15

Issue: 1-3

Pages: 169-192

Type: Article

More publications in: Edafología


Lindane (g-hexachlorociclohexane) and its isomers are toxic and persistent compounds, and for this reason has been restricted by the most recent legislation, and its presence in different environmental compartments its regulated. In this work we propose and compare different sample handling procedures for the determination of these compounds in liquid samples and solid samples: soild and vegetation samples. For liquid samples analysis, the SPE, SPME and MLLE methods were compared. To the analysis of solid matrices different extraction techniques were also proposed: soxhlet, US, microwave assited extraction and pressurised liquid extraction. All the methods proposed provides good recoveries, precision and sensitivity, and therefore the selection of the most adequate method depends on the characteristics of the samples to be analysed. An example of application of the methods to the analysis of an area contaminated by hexachlorociclohexane was also included.