Publicaciones (16) Publicaciones de Lucía Santiago Caamaño


  1. Application of Real-Time Estimation Techniques for Stability Monitoring of Fishing Vessels

    Fluid Mechanics and its Applications (Springer Science and Business Media B.V.), pp. 351-365

  2. On-board monitoring and estimation of lateral accelerations through extreme value theory

    Ocean Engineering, Vol. 284

  3. Real-Time Estimation of Natural Roll Frequency for the Stability Guidance of Fishing Vessels

    Fluid Mechanics and its Applications (Springer Science and Business Media B.V.), pp. 367-383


  1. Brecha de género en las “carreras azules”: El caso de ingeniería naval y oceánica en España

    XXXIII Congreso Internacional de economía aplicada Asepelt 2019: economía azul

  2. Mejora docente e incremento de la visibilidad en la ingeniería naval e industrial a través del uso de instalaciones experimentales

    Contextos universitarios tranformadores: boas prácticas no marco dos GID


  1. Feasibility of using recycled concrete aggregates for half-warm mix asphalt

    Materials and Structures/Materiaux et Constructions, Vol. 51, Núm. 4

  2. Improving the safety of fishing vessels through roll motion analysis

    Proceedings of the International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering - OMAE

  3. On the feasibility of a real time stability assessment for fishing vessels

    Ocean Engineering, Vol. 159, pp. 76-87