Department: Architectural, Civil and Aeronautical Buildings and Structures

Centre: Higher Technical University College of Architecture

Area: Mechanics of Continuous Media and Theory of Structures

Research group: Grupo de Estructuras Arquitectónicas


Doctor by the Universidade da Coruña with the thesis Las exposiciones universales (laboratorio de estructuras) : aportación de los edificios construídos con motivo de las exposiciones universales a la historia de las tipologías estructurales de edificación 2012. Supervised by Dr. Javier Estévez-Cimadevila.

Isaac López César (Ferrol, Spain 1977) is a PhD Architect. University Specialist in the Design and Calculation of Building Structures. Professor of Physics and Structures at the Higher Technical School of Architecture in A Coruña since 2007. He has designed and calculated numerous structures in the spheres of both public and private construction. His research has centred on the field of deployable structures and the history of architectural structures. He is the author of several articles and books, as well as of a variety of patents related to mobile and deployable structures. Scientific popularizer and regular contributor to the National Geographic Historia magazine. He was selected at the XIV Spanish Biennial of Architecture and Urbanism, in the research section, for the book “World Expos. A history of structures”. He has been awarded by the International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures (IASS) with the Tsuboi Award 2019.