Theses Committees (5)

  1. Committee Member

    Neuromodulation of executive vigilance via transcranial direct current stimulation 2024

    Universidad de Granada

    Hemmerich, Klara

  2. Committee Member

    The ergogenic effect of transcranial direct current stimulation on cycling time to exhaustion task performance in physically active people 2021

    Universidad Católica San Antonio de Murcia

    Fernando, Shyamali Kaushalya

  3. Committee Member

    Inhibitory control in schoolers: domain evaluation and analysis of the effects of exercise interventions 2020

    Universidade da Coruña

    Amatriain Fernández, Sandra

  4. Committee Member

    Stride length-cadence relationship in parkinsonian gait 2020

    Universidade da Coruña

    Ambrus, Mira

  5. Committee Member

    Executive functions, self-paced exercise and cycling performance 2019

    Universidad de Granada

    Holgado Núñez, Darías Manuel