Theses Committees (9)

  1. Secretary of the Committee

    High-Order Epistasis Detection in High Performance Computing Systems 2022

    Universidade da Coruña

    Ponte Fernández, Christian

  2. Secretary of the Committee

    Big Data and Large-scale Data Analytics: Efficiency of Sustainable Scalability and Security of Centralized Clouds and Edge Deployment Architectures 2020

    Universidade de Santiago de Compostela

    Awaysheh, Feras Mahmoud Naji

  3. Secretary of the Committee

    Geospatial Processing and Visualization of Point Clouds: from GPUs to Big Data Technologies 2019

    Universidade da Coruña

    Deibe Seoane, David

  4. Secretary of the Committee

    Evaluation and optimization of Big Data Processing on High Performance Computing Systems 2019

    Universidade da Coruña

    Veiga Fachal, Jorge

  5. Secretary of the Committee

    Parallel prefix operations on heterogeneous platforms 2019

    Universidade da Coruña

    Pérez Diéguez, Adrián

  6. Secretary of the Committee

    Hardware counter based performance analysis, modelling, and improvement through thread migration in numa systems 2016

    Universidade de Santiago de Compostela

    García Lorenzo, Oscar

  7. Secretary of the Committee

    Selection of models of genomic evolution in High Performance Computing Environments 2016

    Universidade da Coruña

    Darriba, Diego

  8. Secretary of the Committee

    Design and Evaluation of Low-Latency Communication Middleware on High Performance Computing Systems 2014

    Universidade da Coruña

    Expósito, Roberto R.

  9. Committee Member

    Métodos iterativos en s-pasos para a resolución de grandes sistemas dispersos de ecuacións e a súa implementación paralela 2012

    Universidade de Santiago de Compostela

    Casal Urcera, Gerardo