As catedrais de Mondoñedoproposta para unha vía cultural

  1. Mario Crecente Maseda 1
  1. 1 Estudio Crecente Asociados
Estudios mindonienses: Anuario de estudios histórico-teológicos de la diócesis de Mondoñedo-Ferrol

ISSN: 0213-4357

Year of publication: 2023

Issue Title: Homenaje a D. Segundo L. Pérez López. Vol. I

Issue: 36

Pages: 133-156

Type: Article

More publications in: Estudios mindonienses: Anuario de estudios histórico-teológicos de la diócesis de Mondoñedo-Ferrol


It is a pleasure to dedícate this article to don Segundo, inspiration of so many ideas and projects related to che Camino de Santiago, san Rosendo and the diocese of Mondoñedo-Ferrol. The history of the diocese de Mondoñedo-Ferrol has had a marked impact on the construction of the territory, as a result of the itinerancy of the see of the diocese through the times, in a territory characterised by the special historic relation wict the sea. We pay special attention on this article about a concrete temporal space of 102 years, a thrilling epoch where the dam mobility of the episcopal see includes and characterizes three of che most important municipalities of the area: Foz, Ribadeo and Mondoñedo. In 2019, took place the 800 anniversary of the beginning of the bishopric of Martín (1219- 124 8), who developed the construction of the see of Valibria . On this occasion, this article presents the territory from the point of view of the relation between heritage and tourism and formulates a proposal for a cultural route connecting the main highlights of this territory.