Imaxinario das traballadoras sociais do concello de santiago de compostelaUnha análise cualitativa dende a perspectiva de xénero

  1. Antia Eijo Mejuto
Revista galega de traballo social "Fervenzas"

ISSN: 1698-5087 2254-7657

Year of publication: 2020

Issue: 22

Pages: 11-38

Type: Article

More publications in: Revista galega de traballo social "Fervenzas"


Social work was born as a female profession, due to the professionalisation of assistance and caring activities traditionally being assigned to women, based on work division by sexes. However, as a profession being born within a female gender culture, social work faces an androcentric conception of reality, which implies not only the invisibility of its gender, but also the consequences that this brings. On behalf of this, an analysis of the imaginary of Santiago de Compostela Council social workers is done, based on a qualitative methodology and from a gender perspective. Furthermore, an influence of gender in some aspects for professional construction will be shown ranging from the most personal level of the professionals-with gender socialization being a determining factor in the choice of studies- up to the broadest level, the professional sta13 f e r v e n z a s tus, in which its devaluation and invisibility were shown as issues intimately related to femininity.