La voz expropiadalas palabras perdidas de Beatriz, Matilde y Ángela
ISSN: 1696-7348
Ano de publicación: 2019
Número: 82
Páxinas: 13-29
Tipo: Artigo
Outras publicacións en: Aposta: Revista de ciencias sociales
The XIII and XIV centuries represent a big leap in the presence of women in the Church: not only increase significantly the number of canonized women, but also the mystic texts that were written by women and the biographies of saint women, which reach in some cases a large circulation. Matilda of Magdeburg, Beatrice of Nazareth and Angela of Foligno are examples of saint women from which we have biographical texts. But they are expropriated voices too: through hagiographical reports, written by priests, who silence their voices and institutionalized a model of female sainthood that is as well the ideal image of what a woman should be. In the texts that narrate the life and spiritual experiences of Matilda, Beatrice and Angela there is a tension between the linear narrative and the inarticulated language; between the Latin and the vernacular language. The article shows the strategies through which this appropriation of women voices takes place, and at the same time it asks a question: Is it still possible to hear the voices of Matilda, Angela and Beatrice?
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