El derecho del trabajador autónomo en situación de jubilación activa de cobrar el 100 % de la pensión cuando la persona a la que tiene contratada es empleada del hogarLa interpretación finalista ex art. 3.1. CC del art. 214.2 TRLGSS. A propósito de la Sentencia del Tribunal Supremo, sala de lo social, 313/2023, 26 de abril de 2023, recurso de casación 517/2020

  1. Carmen Pérez Dios 1
  1. 1 Profesora de Derecho Civil. Universidad de A Coruña
Revista de Derecho Laboral vLex (RDLV)

ISSN: 2696-7286

Year of publication: 2023

Issue: 9

Pages: 122-128

Type: Article

More publications in: Revista de Derecho Laboral vLex (RDLV)


Since 2013, with the introduction of Active Retirement in the Spanish legal system, it is possible to combine the receipt of a retirement pension with self-employment or paid employ-ment. The main question in the Judgment under review is whether a self-employed person in Ac-tive Retirement meets the requirements for receiving 100 % of the retirement pension, as set out in article 214.2 of the consolidated General Social Security Act. In particular, that article requires at least one employee to be employed. In the case that gave rise to the judgment analysed, the pensioner’s occupation was repair and maintenance of motor vehicles, and he had hired a person as a domestic worker. Thus, the question arising from this case is the following: does the hiring of a worker for a job unrelated to the pensioner’s activity allow the pensioner to claim 100 % of the retirement pension? The Supreme Court’s answer was in the negative, relying primarily on a purposive interpretation of article 214.2 of the consolidated General Social Security Act.