Estudio psicomotor de la repentización pianística y sus implicaciones pedagógicas

Supervised by:
  1. Juan Antonio Martínez Rojas Director

Defence university: Universidad de Alcalá

Fecha de defensa: 17 June 2021

  1. Magda Polo Pujadas Chair
  2. Celia Clemente de Arriba Secretary
  3. Rocío Chao-Fernández Committee member

Type: Thesis


First sight-reading (SR) has been the subject of a large number of studies and researches. Professional musicians, teachers, amateurs, and scientists from various fields have shown interest in this complex process. In SR one needs to combine aspects as diverse as the ability to anticipate, short-term memory, long-term memory, reaction time, mental imagination, inner ear, sense of puls, movement sequencing, intuition… In this thesis, we validated a system for measuring spontaneous, unconscious and involuntary bodily responses, using a contact microphone and a tape recorder. The use of phonomiography (PMG) is a novel procedure since it has never been used to gather muscular responses from individuals while performing different musical tasks. The phonomiographic technique is widely used in the field of linguistics, but it has never been used in works related to music and the mental imagination of music scores. The microphone was attached to two parts of the participants’ body: on the right forearm and on the neck. Once the recordings were made, some judges assessed and qualified the sightreadings, and the results obtained were realted to the measured muscular activity. After comparing the performance of SR tasks, an intrasubject study was carried out to determine if these levels are defined, or influenced, by a set of complementary factors such as chronological age, years of trainig, academic year, number of instruments that one is able to play, the hours of dedication to individual study of music, etc. Among the conclusions that can be drawn from this research, it stands out the confirmation of the general goal of this investigation: a good SR performance can be predicted from the imaginary reading of the player. This mental reading of the music sheet was recorded by the sound emitted by the muscles, in reaction to the silent reading of any of the musical tasks used.