Estudio de la producción y consumo responsable en el marco del desarrollo sostenible

  1. Piñeiro Villaverde, Gustavo
Supervised by:
  1. María Teresa García-Álvarez Director

Defence university: Universidade da Coruña

Fecha de defensa: 23 September 2022

  1. José Manuel Montes Peón Chair
  2. Félix Blazquez-Lozano Secretary
  3. Susana María Almeida Silva Committee member
  1. Business

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 746713 DIALNET lock_openRUC editor


The objective of this doctoral thesis is to obtain a better comprehension of the factors that determine the development of both sustainable consumption and production (SCP) in the European Union (EU). As the energy sector has been the main producer of carbon dioxide emissions (CO2), a special emphasis in its study is made in different issues of the present research. The literature review shows various needs and shortcomings that allow to define the specific objectives of the research. In this context, it is analysed if sustainabilityorientation is a driver of innovation in utilities. Likewise, the main factors that define SCP in the EU-28 are identified, as well as their links with resource productivity. Finally, the effects of both offer and demand climate policies on CO2 emissions in the electricity sector are analysed. The results suggest that sustainability orientation result in greater innovations. Likewise, the main factors that define SCP are identified (recycling-circular economy, resources consumption and sustainable use of resources). Finally, it is shown what specific climate policies reduce CO2 emissions. From these results, specific policies are proposed for policy-makers.