La dependencia como rasgo fundamental de la relación laboral

  1. Luis Fernando de Castro Mejuto 1
  1. 1 Presidente de la Sala de lo Social del TSJ Galicia. Magistrado especialista. Fiscal en excedencia. Profesor asociado de la UDC. Doctor en Derecho
Revista de Derecho Laboral vLex (RDLV)

ISSN: 2696-7286

Ano de publicación: 2021

Número: 2

Páxinas: 97-103

Tipo: Artigo

Outras publicacións en: Revista de Derecho Laboral vLex (RDLV)


The existence of an employment relationship, which lies in the presence of certain es-sential elements (dependence, ajenity, payment and willingness), is a case-by-case, which must be decided on the basis of the concurrence of evidence to demarcate that figure from the lease or similar ones. Among those elements, the fundamental one is the dependence and the Supreme Court has indicated that the trade unionist or dependent trade union adviser is also labour staff, since the autonomy he enjoys cannot be interpreted in such a strict way as to impede a certain capacity to plan his entrusted work, in which the instructions of the management of the trade union will be followed, being compatible with his freedom and self-organization.