Evaluación de tierraselaboración de un modelo de aptitud de uso agrícola para Kernza ("Thinopyrum intermedium") en agroecosistemas con distinto grado de artificialización en el Partido de Azul, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina

  1. Cassani, Mariano Tomás
Supervised by:
  1. Eva Vidal-Vázquez Director

Defence university: Universidade da Coruña

Fecha de defensa: 04 February 2022

  1. Alicia Rosa Fabrizio de Iorio Chair
  2. Marcos Lado Secretary
  3. Fernando Roberto Momo Committee member
  1. Physics and Earth Sciences

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 706714 DIALNET lock_openRUC editor


An agroecosystem is a complex system, consisting of a spatio-temporal multidimensional network of components and factors. The different geospheric components together with humans become factors, generating emergent properties that are interrelated: interfaces. The stability of an agroecosystem is considered an emergent property that expresses, in summary, the resilience of the system. It indicates how an agroecosystem reacts to the external anthropogenic energy (artificialization). Land degradation processes are the major issues affecting agricultural production. Fragility to agro-ecosystem degradation processes is shown (vulnerability) through different degrees of land use artificialization, generating environmental sustainability costs. In recent years, there has been an evolution towards conservationist concepts of land use. However, until now, no tillage system has considered the stability of the agro-ecosystem. The use of different mesofauna groups in the evaluation of ecosystem stability is a novel method. At the same time, scientists at The Land Institute (USA) developed a new agricultural system: the Natural System of Agriculture (NSA), introducing perennial agriculture into the agroecosystem. The same institute developed a variety of Thinopyrum intermedium, Kernza, which is being introduced in the mid-west of the USA for grain and forage, and is a very promising perennial crop. For all the benefits and ecosystem services it can provide, Kernza has a high potential to change the current paradigm in agriculture to farming systems that harmonise with the ecosystem, expressing high agroecosystem stability. Land is used for many purposes that are sometimes complementary, but in most cases in conflict. The aim of land-use planning is to make the best use of natural resources by evaluating needs, the capacity of the land to meet them, identifying and solving conflicts between competing uses and seeking sustainable solutions. There are various methodologies used in the development of land evaluation systems. Among them, there are expert systems consisting of computer programmes that simulate the trouble-shooting capabilities of experts in a given field, providing solutions to a problem. The objective of this job was: "To elaborate a land use suitability model for Kernza (Thinopyrum intermedium), through an expert system under different climatic and agroecosystem stability scenarios in geoenvironments present in Azul district, Buenos Aires Province, Argentina". The specific objectives were: to calculate the fragility to physical, chemical, biological degradation and generate specific cartography; to develop a fragility index to stability degradation (IFDE) of the agroecosystem and generate specific cartography; to develop a stability index (IE) of the agroecosystem using biological stability indicators; to develop a stability vulnerability index (IVE) of the agroecosystem; to apply the fragility index (IFDE) and stability vulnerability index (IVE) for different degrees of land use intensity in a sub-environment of peripheral hills of the Azul district; to classify the lands according to the permanent capacities and limitations of the soils (Land Use Capacity) and generate a specific cartography; to classify the lands through the productivity index (PI) and generate a specific mapping; to use the tool for predicting the results of adoption and diffusion of new technology (ADOPT) to determine if the adoption of perennial agriculture is feasible in the area under study; to develop a suitability model for Kernza (Thinopyrum intermedium) in the area under study, through an expert system (ALES) under different climatic scenarios and agro-ecosystem stability. The study area is located in Azul district, in the centre of Buenos Aires Province, Argentina. It has a humid temperate climate with oceanic influence. The soils present are Argiudols, Hapludols, Natracuols and Natracualfes. Important information was obtained showing that the stability of an agroecosystem is governed by the permanent limitations of the system (inherited geosphere) and is expressed through different land use intensity (vulnerability). This information served to define the suitability of Kernza with a transgenerational and sustainable approach in Azul district.