Estudo sobre o uso de dispositivos tecnolóxicos para a análise e prevención das caídas en residencias de persoas maiores desde unha perspectiva ocupacional

  1. Miranda-Duro, María del Carmen
Supervised by:
  1. Javier Pereira-Loureiro Director
  2. Laura Nieto-Riveiro Co-director

Defence university: Universidade da Coruña

Fecha de defensa: 21 December 2021

  1. Jorge Augusto Pinto da Silva Mota Chair
  2. Iván de Rosende Celeiro Secretary
  3. Begoña Polonio López Committee member
  1. Physiotherapy, Medicine and Biomedical Sciences

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 699915 DIALNET lock_openRUC editor


The risk of falling is one of the geriatric syndromes with the greatest impact on the lives of older people. Due to its complexity, it has been studied for decades from different perspectives and methodologies. There is evidence of different ways of approaching the risk of falling to try to prevent and reduce its impact on the health of older people. Given the relevance that the risk of falling presents in the lives of older people and in the routine of gerontological centres, the present doctoral thesis focused on the design of a multifactorial programme to deal with this problem. Thus, to delve deeper, the PhD candidate decided to conduct an exhaustive review of experiences developed from occupational therapy that addressed the risk of falling in older people using technology. The existing literature revealed the presence of numerous studies in which the risk of falling was addressed, but few studies (n=12) focused on the occupational therapist's profession in the use of technological devices. In no case was any experience found from this discipline that made use of technological devices for the assessment of older people, considering the relevance and pertinence of these devices today. Based on the results obtained in the three main studies of the doctoral thesis, it is concluded that the contributions that wearable devices can provide for the analysis of the risk of falling in older people and, thus, draw conclusions about their occupational participation should be deepened.