Enogastronomic tourism as a travel motivation in Rías Baixas (Pontevedra, Spain)

  1. Caamaño-Franco, Iria 1
  2. Pérez-García, Antonia 1
  3. Martínez-Iglesias, Sofía 2
  1. 1 Universidade da Coruña

    Universidade da Coruña

    La Coruña, España

    ROR https://ror.org/01qckj285

  2. 2 Centro Español de Nuevas Profesiones. Universidade da Coruña
Journal of Tourism and Heritage Research: JTHR

ISSN: 2659-3580

Year of publication: 2020

Issue Title: Journal of Tourism and Heritage Research

Volume: 3

Issue: 2

Pages: 56-74

Type: Article

More publications in: Journal of Tourism and Heritage Research: JTHR


In a tourist context where demand is characterized by its fragmentation in terms of its motivations, enogastronomic tourism has become an essential part of any  travel experience (Scott and Duncan, 2015). In different parts of the world we can find synergies between tourism and the local food culture (Hernández-Rojas et al, 2019;Hernández-Rojas y Dancausa, 2018; Di clemente et al, 2014; Millán, Hernandez and Navajas, 2016; Gardel, Campoverde and Urbeci, 2019). In the academic field, research aimed at gastronomic tourism and/or wine tourism has been independently recurrent, but this time an integrative study has been chosen and tries to respond to its potential as a whole. This research aims to analyze Wine and Food tourism as the main motivation of travelling. For this analysis, a case study is presented focused on a geographical area with a great wine and culinary tradition such as the geo-location Rías Baixas (Pontevedra, Galicia). The methodology used has been quantitative in nature by means of 195 online surveys aimed at national tourism demand. In addition, it has been completed with a qualitative phase of 9 interviews with different agents involved in each particular local food tourism development. Although Wine and Food culture is not presented as the first travel motivation the Geo-location Rías Baixas has growing potential in enogastronomic tourism and business is interested in continuing to bet on this experiential product.

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