Assessment of Develomental Coordination Disorder in Spanish Childrencross-cultural Adaptation, Psychometric Validation and Reference Norms for the European Spanish DCD-Questionnaire

  1. Montes-Montes, Rebeca
Supervised by:
  1. Thais Pousada Co-director
  2. Sergio Santos-del-Riego Co-director

Defence university: Universidade da Coruña

Fecha de defensa: 29 June 2021

  1. Emiliano Díez Villoria Chair
  2. Sonia Pértega Díaz Secretary
  3. Esther Hartman Committee member
  1. Health Sciences

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 668454 DIALNET lock_openRUC editor


Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD) affects 5-6% of school-aged children. Still, DCD is a highly underdiagnosed disorder in the Spanish context. Providing crossculturally adapted, reliable and accessible diagnostic instruments is a necessary first step to improve the quickly identification of children at risk ofDCD and to raise awareness of this disorder in the Spanish context. The aims of this thesis were (1) to translate and crossculturally adapt the Developmental Coordination Disorder Questionnaire (DCDQ) into European Spanish, (2) to test its psychometric properties in the Spanish population, and (3) to develop country-adjusted reference norms ofthe DCDQ for Spanish children. The DCDQ was cross-culturally adapted into European Spanish following international guidelines (DCDQ-ES), and it was standardized using a sample of 570 Spanish children. After a multi-step process involving a multidisciplinary team, the DCDQ-ES achieved good cross-cultural equivalence. Interna! consistency values were excellent, and construct, concurren! and discriminan! validity ofthe DCDQ-ES were adequate. Finally, age-specific reference norms were developed for Spanish children. In conclusion, the DCDQ-ES shows cross-cultural equivalence with the original version, and it shows good psychometric properties in the Spanish context. The DDCDQ-ES is a reliable and valid instrument to assist in the quick identification of DCD in Spanish children.