El arte espontáneo en la calle como herramienta de regeneración urbana y participación vecinalel proyecto cultural de Las Meninas en el barrio de Canido (Ferrol).

Arte y Ciudad: Revista de Investigación

ISSN: 2254-7673

Year of publication: 2018

Issue: 14

Pages: 115-144

Type: Article

More publications in: Arte y Ciudad: Revista de Investigación


Culture and artistic activities have become an indispensable element in urban planning and in the regeneration of deteriorated areas of the centre of contemporary cities. In this article we analyse the case of the cultural project of "Las Meninas" in the historic neighbourhood of Canido (Ferrol municipality). Based on a particular and spontaneous initiative -the realization of street murals with Las Meninas by Velázquez as motif- a popular and autonomous project has been articulated denouncing and highlighting deteriorated areas of Canido after years of abandonment and disinvestment. On the other hand, this project generates positive perceptions in the neighbours of the area regarding social revitalization, economic revaluation and participation in the urban environment, which are portrayed from an unusual quantitative approach in the analysis of cultural actions of non-institutional origin.

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