Representando la estructura. Reflexiones sobre la obra de Arthur Vierendeel “La construction architecturale en fonte, fer et acier”

  1. López-César, Isaac
  2. Estévez-Cimadevilla, Javier
EGA: revista de expresión gráfica arquitectónica

ISSN: 1133-6137 2254-6103

Year of publication: 2017

Issue Title: Conversando con... Kathryn Gustafson

Volume: 22

Issue: 29

Pages: 96-107

Type: Article

DOI: 10.4995/EGA.2017.7350 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen access editor

More publications in: EGA: revista de expresión gráfica arquitectónica

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Arthur Vierendeel published his book “La construction architecturale en fonte, fer et acier” in 1902, in which he graphically described the constructive anatomy of what he considered to be the most significant buildings from the first stage of iron architecture. The aim of this article is to highlight the most relevant aspects of this littleknown work which, nevertheless, has great historiographic value. In addition, the article attempts to approach Vierendeel’s drawings by emphasising and focussing on his conciliatory attitude towards the architect-engineer dichotomy that typified the 19th century.

Bibliographic References

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