Ciberperiodismo en el smartphone. Estudio de la multimedialidad, usabilidad, hipertextualidad e interactividad de las aplicaciones de medios nativos digitales para smartphone
ISSN: 1988-2696
Year of publication: 2012
Issue: 18
Pages: 243-251
Type: Article
More publications in: Estudios sobre el mensaje periodístico
The cellphones no longer are only channels to do and receive calls. Among the new uses of the channel is the informative use, based in the mobile web and in the news applications. The communication companies adaptation to the new mobile supports and formats is in process. Traditional media (of all sectors, press, radio and television), as well as digital media try to endow of contents to the new screens. In the present research we analyze the Spanish digital media apps for android and iOS. The aim is to know if the media that were born for Internet are optimizing the lessons learnt in their employment of the new screen. This analysis is composed of four fundamental items: usabilility, multimedialidad, hipertextualidad and interactiveness. Future comparative studies will show the evolution of the employment of the mobile platform with informative functionality. This article frames in the main research project developed by the Group of Culture and Interactive Communication of the Universidade da Coruña (UdC) about journalism and mobile devices
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