Contextos de aprendizaje, determinantes familiares y rendimiento escolar en el almunado de educación secundaria de Galicia

  1. Barca Lozano, Alfonso
  2. do Nascimento Mascarenhas, Suely Aparecida
  3. Brenlla-Blanco, Juan-Carlos
  4. Morán Fraga, Humberto

ISSN: 1983-3415

Year of publication: 2012

Volume: 8

Issue: 1

Pages: 370-412

Type: Article

More publications in: AMAzônica


The family is a social institution that provides one of the most important contexts of the human development to those who are part of it. The family can be considered as a particular human group because adult people living together are, on one side, in a process of reaching their own identity and personal maturity and, on the other side, they have to get involved in modulating and modeling the natural differences of capacity and ability that the youngest members of this group have, precisely for the different level of development before the adult members. In the family context, one of the most important facts among studies done, is considering adolescents as young members who need constant attention and care given by adults so that they can achieve success in the process of living together and socializing. The aim of this work is to know the possible effects that influence students in the secondary school (in its models of ESO � Compulsory Secondary School , Bachelor�s degree and professional formation), Important variables related to the student perception on his/her relation family/student, family/work, school and family/school center. It is known, by other recent studies, that the effects tend to be relevant, positive and negative, in the formation of people�s personal structure as well as their academic performance. Taking into account 3,942 people, representing the community of Galícia (Spain) from two levels of secondary education (in the models ESO, Bachelor�s degree and professional education) this study intends to check the two basic objectives that determine the academic performance derived from family relations.