Mapas peatonales como estrategia de humanización del espacio urbano

  1. Diego Campos Juanatey
  2. María Angeles González Fernández
  3. Jesús A. Dopico Castro
IV Congreso sobre Arquitectura y Cooperación al Desarrollo, ArCaDia 4: libro de actas
  1. Eduardo Alfonso Caridad Yáñez (coord.)
  2. Amparo Casares-Gallego (coord.)
  3. Emma López-Bahut (coord.)
  4. Antonio Santiago Río Vázquez (coord.)

Publisher: Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura ; Universidade da Coruña

ISBN: 978-84-9749-656-8

Year of publication: 2017

Pages: 84-89

Congress: Jornadas de Arquitectura y Cooperación al Desarrollo (4. 2016. A Coruña)

Type: Conference paper


Across history, public space in the cities developed a key role in social and human life, as main places for relationship and coexistence. Once the means of transport appeared, people abandoned streets, believing on faster transports will help travels even inside the city. Nowadays public spaces had lost their human component due to influences of various factors as intensification of traffic, increased pollution and hectic pace of cities. Such different places as London or Pontevedra had detected this issue with urban mobility and developed strategies for social recovery of public places by promoting pedestrians and walking or cycling instead other transports. Those cities and their mobility models were internationally awarded, and are considered as trend to follow. As part of the strategy for improving mobility, pedestrian information maps were designed, aiming to increase the knowledge of the city of citizens and visitors and persuade them walking for short distance travel is faster, healthier, and more sustainable. These pedestrian maps represent completely different aspects, coming from different urban realities, but with joining points that show the strategy to follow when designing urban pedestrian maps. In our study we assess these maps, and the strategies for promoting travelling by foot in the city.