Cualquiera, en cualquier lugar, en cualquier momentotecnologías móviles para el aprendizaje

  1. Novo Corti, Isabel
  2. Barreiro Gen, María
De los medios y la comunicación de las organizaciones a las redes de valor
  1. Rúas Araújo, José (coord.)
  2. Martínez Fernández, Valentín Alejandro (coord.)
  3. Rodríguez, María Magdalena (coord.)
  4. Puentes Rivera, Iván (coord.)
  5. Yaguache Quichimbo, Jenny (coord.)
  6. Sánchez Amboage, Eva (coord.)

Publisher: Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja ; XESCOM. Red Internacional de Investigación de Gestión de la Comunicación

ISBN: 978-9942-25-054-4

Year of publication: 2016

Pages: 593-607

Congress: Simposio Internacional sobre Gestión de la Comunicación (2. 2016. ----)

Type: Conference paper


Classroom teaching has been replaced by digital platforms in many cases. This change has brought a revolution in teaching and in other areas. Before the digital age, geographical distance to schools was a barrier, sometimes insurmountable. In this regard, open universities have represented, not only a great educational advancement, but also an element of territorial and social cohesion. ICTs have broken all the barriers, which have been replaced by others, such as digital illiteracy. Thus, the main obstacles to access to education does not come from the distance, but also the ICT skills and infrastructure availability. However, once overcome the barriers of knowledge and technology access, new possibilities allow progress in the field of social sustainability, as support for reconciliation, inclusion (people with disabilities) and equal opportunities. Online learning is widespread and expanded to all kinds of groups. Its use has been normalized. Today, learning has also acquired ownership to learn anywhere, thanks to the development of mobile devices and new social networks. In this paper an epistemological comparative analysis is performed through the study of the relevant academic literature, focusing on the evolution of systems of teaching (from traditional to online teaching) and subsequent progress has been made towards learning " to take away". As this work reflects, the universality of teaching new media have only begun to show a small part of its potential.