El cacao como identidad de marca país en Ecuador y su posicionamiento en Facebook

  1. Rodríguez, María Magdalena
  2. Rodríguez Vázquez, Clide
  3. Martínez Fernández, Valentín Alejandro
  4. Viñán Merecí, Christian
De los medios y la comunicación de las organizaciones a las redes de valor
  1. Rúas Araújo, José (coord.)
  2. Martínez Fernández, Valentín Alejandro (coord.)
  3. Rodríguez, María Magdalena (coord.)
  4. Puentes Rivera, Iván (coord.)
  5. Yaguache Quichimbo, Jenny (coord.)
  6. Sánchez Amboage, Eva (coord.)

Editorial: Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja ; XESCOM. Red Internacional de Investigación de Gestión de la Comunicación

ISBN: 978-9942-25-054-4

Ano de publicación: 2016

Páxinas: 454-470

Congreso: Simposio Internacional sobre Gestión de la Comunicación (2. 2016. ----)

Tipo: Achega congreso


In today's environments in which companies develop their activity, the country branding attracts great importance to influence significantly on the projection of its image and reputation and therefore, in attracting purchasers and investors to the destination. In this sense, the production of cocoa in a country like Ecuador generates a significant competitive advantage. The destination brings together all the necessary requirements to enable its development; soil type and suitable climatic conditions; an aspect that has led him to become a reference point and to consolidate its position as one of the world's top producers of cocoa. The quality of his raw materials contributes to the production of chocolates in Ecuador as a relevant sign of its identity of country branding, thanks to the distinction that gives its excellent quality, flavor, texture and aroma. They are therefore several brands that are integrated under the "Chocolatiers Association of Ecuador" have managed to position itself strategically in the international markets, among which are: Pacari, Choco Art, leaf green Gourmet, Kallari, Caori y Valdivian. The aim of this communication is to determine the use that those brands do of the social media, specifically Facebook as a channel of communication and marketing, in order to determine if they are maximizing the opportunities that provide them with this tool in order to increase more if possible, its presence in domestic and international markets. The methodology employed is based in the use of a tool online: Fanpage Karma, which allows to measure the parameters of interest for this study, analyze the efficiency of the pages, detect problems and provide solutions to the respect, for improve the visibility and promotion in Facebook of the selected brands.