El milenario Camino de Santiago desde una perspectiva históricala apuesta turística de Galicia
- Barciela López, Carlos (coord.)
- Manera Erbina, Carles Pau (coord.)
- Molina de Dios, Ramón (coord.)
- Di Vittorio, Antonio (coord.)
Publisher: Palma de Mallorca : Publicaciones de l'Institut Balear d'Economia, 2011
ISBN: 978-84-614-8511-6
Year of publication: 2011
Pages: 315-356
Congress: Encuentro de Historia Económica (6. 2009. Palma de Mallorca)
Type: Conference paper
The Saint James' way constitutes one of the most ancient tourist signs. Its peculiar characteristics -origins, functions and dependence on the jubilee cycles- differ from other tourist destinations. The work analyzes the configuration of the Way like one of the major European tourist routes from a long run perspective, identifies the factors that have allowed its ancient survival and the strategic roles that played in each historical period and, finally, assesses the impact that the Xacobeo phenomenon has had on the economy of Galicia during the last decades.