Stakeholder relationship marketing in nonprofit organizationstowards omnichannel strategies

  1. Mato Santiso, Vanessa
Supervised by:
  1. Marta Rey-García Co-director
  2. María José Sanzo Pérez Co-director

Defence university: Universidade da Coruña

Fecha de defensa: 25 September 2020

  1. Luis Ignacio Álvarez González Chair
  2. Domingo Calvo Dopico Secretary
  3. Arminda Maria Finisterra do Paço Committee member
  1. Business

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 635955 DIALNET lock_openRUC editor


This doctoral thesis analyzes the antecedents and consequences of the adoption of multichannel (those combining offline and online channels) and omnichannel behaviors (entailing seamless marketing integration across multiple channels) on the side of nonprofit organizations and their stakeholders. The thesis is divided into 5 parts or chapters. Chapter 1 reviews four streams of theoretical literature in order to develop the conceptual foundations of the study: 1) the nonprofit sector and its organizations; 2) stakeholder relationship marketing in a nonprofit context; 3) volunteers as stakeholders unique to nonprofit organizations; and 4) multichannel and omnichannel strategies. Chapter 2 details the methodology of the doctoral thesis. Chapter 3 maps the field of nonprofit-stakeholder relationship marketing, resulting from a systematic literature review and bibliometric analysis. Prevalent themes within the existing literature have been identified, and new research lines to complete a future agenda on stakeholder relationship marketing are proposed. Chapter 4 adopts the perspective of one of the most relevant stakeholder groups of nonprofits and analyzes the antecedents that influence on the adoption of an omnichannel behavior by volunteers. Finally, chapter 5 explores which multichannel strategies implemented by nonprofits increase loyalty of episodic volunteers. Conclusions, implications and limitations close the study.