Estudio del perfil de ingreso y de la mortalidad en una muestra de personas mayores que utilizan recursos sociosanitarios

  1. Río Díaz, Thais
Supervised by:
  1. José Carlos Millán-Calenti Co-director
  2. Ana Maseda Co-director

Defence university: Universidade da Coruña

Fecha de defensa: 14 July 2017

  1. Rosa López Mongil Chair
  2. Laura Lorenzo López Secretary
  3. Óscar Ribeiro Committee member
  1. Physiotherapy, Medicine and Biomedical Sciences

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 482856 DIALNET lock_openRUC editor


Background. The process of change in which we are involved, both at sociodemographic and sanitary levels, makes necessary to establish the profile of income and the mortality of institutionalized older adults, in order to know their change over the years. Objectives. Describe and analyse the profile of income, according to the health and functional status, in a sample of older people, as well as the percentage of deaths, identifying the differences between nursing home vs day-care centre and the evolution of these profiles over time (2010 vs 2015). Methods. The sample included 145 individuals who entered in a gerontological centre during the years 2010 and 2015. For the variable analysis, it was divided into groups according the used resource (nursing home vs day-care centre), the year of income and the gender. Data gathered included sociodemographic and health characteristics of the users, functional status (Barthel Índex), cognitive status (MMSE), behavioural disorders (NPI), risk for pressure ulcers (Braden-Bergstrom Scale) and nutritional status (MNA). Results. There were no differences in the comparison between years in relation to presence of cognitive or functional impairment, but the incidence of some behavioural disorders (dysphoria, anxiety, aggressiveness, apathy and abnormal motor behaviour). The functional and nutritional status of nursing home users was worse than in the day-care centre, as well as the risk of developing UPP and the incidence of mortality. There was no change in the profile of income in relation to health and functional status, even if evidenced an increased incidence of behavioural disorders and polypharmacy. Conclusions. Based on the results from our study and given the variation in the profile of income of the users in the gerontological resources, changing over time, it would be necessary to adapt the training of its professionals, and the implementation of assessment and intervention procedures.