A utilização das TIC no 1.º ciclo do ensino básico no Algarve

  1. Carrapiço, Fernando
Supervised by:
  1. Francisco de Paula Rodríguez Miranda Director
  2. Francisco José Pozuelos Estrada Director

Defence university: Universidad de Huelva

Fecha de defensa: 13 February 2015

  1. Jurjo Torres Santomé Chair
  2. Ana María Duarte Hueros Secretary
  3. Carolina Sousa Moreira da Silva Committee member

Type: Thesis


Portugal introduced information and comunicatlon technologies (ICT) in non-higher education schools in 1985 through MINERVA Project. After that, there were several projects, most of them based on policies to supply equipment to the schools and teacher training. The biggest hurdles seemed to be overcome, such as the lack of equipment, the struggle of teachers, the technical and pedagogical training and the social recognition of the importance of learning by using computer equipment, as an educational tool. Nevertheless all programs to provide equipment to the schools and teachers' training as well as the social trends towards a full integration of ICT in the the classroom context, the indicators measuring the use of ICT pointed out a low level of its use in elementary schools. This way we tried to know what are the different practices of computer use at school, who are the teachers using ICT, in which activities they use them, which ICT programs they use, we mean how they really use ICT in elementary schools of Algarve region. So, we can give an input to help solve the problem, both in terms of equipment policies, training models or even in the curricular issues. Following a research methodology based on two lines, a questionnaire applied to the teachers of a sample of schools and an interview to expertise teachers, we concluded that in fact, the use of ICT in elementary schools is reduced as literature says. The main reasons or obstacles lie mainly related to curriculum areas, equipment and teacher training. The attitudes of teachers have also a considerable high standard. We end up by suggesting some action lines to bridge those reasons and to contribute for a better and more effective use of ICT in Portuguese elementary schools.