Análisis de la eficacia y la eficiencia del proceso de implantación de infraestructuras de transporte en Galiciaincidencia de la rentabilidad social

  1. Lefler Gullón, Carlos Joaquín
Supervised by:
  1. Felipe Peña Pereda Co-director
  2. Carlos Nárdiz Co-director

Defence university: Universidade da Coruña

Fecha de defensa: 14 July 2017

  1. M. R. Bugarin Chair
  2. Xosé Manuel González Martínez Secretary
  3. José María Coronado Tordesillas Committee member
  1. Architectural Projects, Urban Planning and Composition

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 491201 DIALNET lock_openRUC editor


Due to the social debate that some public constructions have recently generated, it is suggested to conduct an analysis of the Galician network from an efficiency perspective. In this thesis, throughout the study of the public construction bonds and the general interest, it is concluded that, the greater the number of parameters used to evaluate a performance, the greater the degree of discretion. Thus, it will be easier to justify any of the possible solutions. After analyzing the adopted decisions in the Galician transportation network, the second conclusion, from a historical perspective and specific representative cases, is that the decisions we adopted in public construction in general, and in roads, in particular, not only they depend on a parametric evaluation system, but also they are determined by the hierarchical structure of the group that adopts the decision. Only decisions that do not change the hierarchical order can be made so that they are not blocked by members of the group that lose hierarchy. Depending on the hierarchical structure, one or another decision would be adopted.