Computer Science and Information Technologies
Supervised theses (225) Theses supervised by Department members View defended theses
COVIDBENS: epidemiología de COVID-19 basada en aguas residuales de A Coruña
Trigo Tasende, Noelia
Supervised by Margarita Poza Domínguez, Ricardo Cao Abad y Susana Ladra González -
Depression Severity Estimation on the Internet: New Models and Resources
Pérez Vila, Anxo
Supervised by Álvaro Barreiro García y Javier Parapar López -
Generating Commonsense Explanations with Answer Set Programming
Muñiz Castro, Brais
Supervised by José Pedro Cabalar Fernández y Gilberto Pérez Vega -
Human activity recognition: new approaches based on machine learning and deep learning
García González, Daniel
Supervised by Enrique Fernández Blanco y Miguel Ángel Rodríguez Luaces -
Machine learning for anomaly detection: From surface to deep
Novoa Paradela, David
Supervised by Óscar Fontenla Romero y Berta María Guijarro Berdiñas -
New Algorithms and Methodologies for Building Information Retrieval Collections
Otero Freijeiro, David
Supervised by Álvaro Barreiro García y Javier Parapar López -
Research on Cancer Risk and Drug Treatment Efficacy Based on Database Construction and IFPTML Prediction Model
Ren, Shumin
Supervised by Julián Alfonso Dorado De La Calle -
Study of th Block Assembly Scheduling Problem in Shipbuilding using Exact Methods and Metaheuristic Algorithms
Pernas Álvarez, Javier
Supervised by Diego Crespo Pereira y José Antonio Becerra Permuy
Aplicación de algoritmos de aprendizaje automático para la detección de anomalías de tráfico en entornos IoT
Vigoya Morales, Laura Victoria
Supervised by Víctor Manuel Carneiro Díaz y Diego Fernández Iglesias -
Application of automated software development techniques in Geographic Information Systems
Hernández Alvarado, Suilen
Supervised by Óscar Pedreira Fernández y Miguel Ángel Rodríguez Luaces -
Automatic Detection and Characterization of Pathological Fluid Regions in Optical Coherence Tomography Images
Lizancos Vidal, Plácido Francisco
Supervised by Jorge Novo Buján y Marcos Ortega Hortas -
Deep Learning based Novel Anomaly Detection Methods for Diabetic Retinopathy Screening
Sutradhar, Shaon
Supervised by Marcos Ortega Hortas y José Rouco Maseda -
Desarrollo de un plan de estudios de inteligencia artificial para la educación preuniversitaria en Europa
Guerreiro Santalla, Sara
Supervised by Francisco Javier Bellas Bouza -
Development of efficient De Bruijn graph-based algorithms for genome assembly
Freire Castro, Borja
Supervised by José Ramón Paramá Gabía -
Enriching information extraction pipelines in clinical decision support systems
Almeida, João Rafael Duarte de
Supervised by Alejandro Pazos Sierra -
IFPTML Algorithms: From Cheminformatics Models to Software Development, StartupCreation, and Innovation Transference
Bediaga Bañeres, Harbil
Supervised by Alejandro Pazos Sierra -
Implementación de un Sistema Inteligente semiautomático para la asistencia de pacientes en unidades de cuidados críticos
Pereira Loureiro, Miguel A.
Supervised by Alejandro Pazos Sierra -
Implementación y optimización de algoritmos para aprendizaje automático con teoría de perturbaciones
Ortega Tenezaca, Delfín Bernabé
Supervised by Cristian Robert Munteanu -
Iot and machine learning based platform for port risk management: application to ship movements and wave overtopping
Alvarellos González, Alberto
Supervised by Juan Ramón Rabuñal Dopico -
Metodología de desarrollo de sistemas de detección y seguimiento de peces mediante tecnología láser y visión artificial con Inteligencia Artificial
Rico, Ángel
Supervised by Juan Ramón Rabuñal Dopico y Jerónimo Puertas Agudo