Aportaciones congreso (15) Publicaciones en las que ha participado algún/a investigador/a


  1. Adaptation of the textile industry to the economy of the platforms

    XXX Jornadas Luso-Espanholas de Gestão Científica: cooperação transfronteiriça. Desenvolvimento e coesão territorial. Livro de resumos

  2. El proyecto “Geometría aplicada”

    Contextos universitarios tranformadores: boas prácticas no marco dos GID

  3. Expresión corporal, adaptacións curriculares e operacións financeiras: aproveitando sinerxias entre GIDs da UDC

    Contextos universitarios tranformadores: boas prácticas no marco dos GID

  4. How much does drug and alcohol hospital treatment cost in Europe? what causes spending?

    XXXIII Congreso Internacional de economía aplicada Asepelt 2019: economía azul

  5. Innovation in the Teaching-Learning Process through a MOOC: Sustainability in the Era of Big Data

    Contextos universitarios tranformadores: boas prácticas no marco dos GID

  6. O estudio do caso como metodoloxía activa no Mestrado en Eficiencia e Aproveitamento Enerxéticos

    Contextos universitarios tranformadores: boas prácticas no marco dos GID

  7. Padrinos y ahijados en la villa de Sarria (Lugo, siglos XVII-XIX)

    La invención de la infancia: XIX encuentro de la Ilustración al Romanticismo : Cádiz, Europa y América ante la modernidad, 1750-1850 : Cádiz, 15-17 de octubre, 2019

  8. Producers of Electricity from Photovoltaic Energy in Spain: A Structural and Financial Analysis

    Planning Post Carbon Cities: 35th PLEA Conference on Passive and Low Energy Architecture, A Coruña, 1st-3rd September 2020: Proceedings

  9. Producers of electricity from photovoltaic energy in Spain: A structural and financial analysis

    PLEA 2020 - 35th PLEA Conference on Passive and Low Energy Architecture Planning Post Carbon Cities, Proceedings

  10. Product of two normal variables. An historical review

    AIP Conference Proceedings

  11. Romanian Business Students' Migration Intentions. An Empirical Analysis of Perceptions and Motives


  12. The Effects of COVID-19 on Emerging Economies in Asia and Public Policies to Support the Economy


  13. The local tax system as a relative price in city marketing: : The case of Santiago de Compostela

    Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, CISTI

  14. What Leads to Investment in Sustainable Building? An MCA-PCA approach

    Planning Post Carbon Cities: 35th PLEA Conference on Passive and Low Energy Architecture, A Coruña, 1st-3rd September 2020: Proceedings

  15. What leads to investment in sustainable building? An MCA-PCA approach

    PLEA 2020 - 35th PLEA Conference on Passive and Low Energy Architecture Planning Post Carbon Cities, Proceedings