Publicacións (35) Publicacións nas que participase algún/ha investigador/a


  1. A Straight elliptical Wobble: Afro-European transculturalism and Jamal Mahjoub's Travelling with Djinns

    Border-crossings: narrative and demarcation in Postcolonial literatures and media (Carl Winter Universitätsverlag,), pp. 187-200

  2. Biodegradation of BTEX in a fungal biofilter: Influence of operational parameters, effect of shock-loads and substrate stratification

    Bioresource Technology, Vol. 116, pp. 204-213

  3. Biodegradation of Mono-Aromatic Hydrocarbons by Fungi


  4. Biogas technologies and cleaning techniques

    Environmental Chemistry for a Sustainable World (Springer Netherlands), pp. 347-377

  5. Biological conversion of carbon monoxide to ethanol: Effect of pH, gas pressure, reducing agent and yeast extract

    Bioresource Technology, Vol. 114, pp. 518-522

  6. Building cultural and gender identity in eighteenth-century periodicals: Charlotte Lennox's "The lady's museum" and Frances Brooke's "The old maid"

    From life to text: building linguistic and cultural identity (Pila: PWZ im. Stanislawa Staszica , 2012), pp. 63-82

  7. Combined biological and physicochemical waste-gas cleaning techniques

    Journal of Environmental Science and Health - Part A Toxic/Hazardous Substances and Environmental Engineering, Vol. 47, Núm. 7, pp. 920-939

  8. Effect of oil concentration and residence time on the biodegradation of α-pinene vapours in two-liquid phase suspended-growth bioreactors

    Journal of Biotechnology, Vol. 157, Núm. 4, pp. 554-563

  9. Emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero desde los sistemas de saneamiento

    Río Mandeo, cuenca fluvial y desarrollo sostenible (A Coruña: Diputación de A Coruña, 2012), pp. 203-214

  10. Evaluation of the biomethane potential of solid fish waste

    Waste Management, Vol. 32, Núm. 7, pp. 1347-1352

  11. From life to text: building linguistic and cultural identity

    Pila: PWZ im. Stanislawa Staszica , 2012

  12. Humour in the construction of British cultural identity

    From life to text: building linguistic and cultural identity (Pila: PWZ im. Stanislawa Staszica , 2012), pp. 159-190

  13. Imaginary representations and cultural performances of Ecocriticism

    Words for a small planet: ecocritical views (Lexington Books), pp. 17-35

  14. Letras gallegas 2011

    Ínsula: revista de letras y ciencias humanas, Núm. 784, pp. 26-28

  15. Limiar: "Novas Achegas ao estudo da cultura galega II"

    Novas achegas ao estudo da cultura galega II [Recurso electrónico]: enfoques socio-históricos e lingüístico-literarios (Servizo de Publicacións), pp. 9-14

  16. Menores y alfabetización digital. Teleclip TV: cuatro años de producción infantil y televisión por Internet

    Chasqui: Revista Latinoamericana de Comunicación, Núm. 117, pp. 20-24

  17. Novas achegas ao estudo da cultura galega II [Recurso electrónico]: enfoques socio-históricos e lingüístico-literarios

    Servizo de Publicacións

  18. Novas sobre Álvaro Cunqueiro na Galicia de posguerra. Actividades na Asociación Cultural Iberoamericana de A Coruña desde 1951

    Revista de lenguas y literaturas catalana, gallega y vasca, Núm. 17, pp. 135-148

  19. Novel bioreactors for waste gas treatment

    Environmental Chemistry for a Sustainable World (Springer Netherlands), pp. 121-170

  20. Nuevas "literaturas‟ de la inmigración: identidad e intercambio cultural en los albores del siglo XXI

    At a time of crisis: English and American studies in Spain