Manuel Alberto
Regueiro Picallo
Postdoctoral Xunta
Publicaciones en las que colabora con Manuel Alberto Regueiro Picallo (4)
CoUDlabs_WP8_T811_UDC_001 Analysis and assessment of new techniques to build-up the topography/geometry of Urban Drainage infrastructure with high resolution
CoUDlabs_WP8_T811_UDC_001 Analysis and assessment of new techniques to build-up the topography/geometry of Urban Drainage infrastructure with high resolution
Reconstruction of a digital elevation model in a lab-scale urban drainage facility applying LiDAR and SfM techniques
2nd IAHR Young Professionals Congress
New insights to study the accumulation and erosion processes of fine-grained organic sediments in combined sewer systems from a laboratory scale model
Science of the Total Environment, Vol. 716