Publications by the researcher in collaboration with Ana López Cheda (11)


  1. Nonparametric covariate hypothesis tests for the cure rate in mixture cure models

    Statistics in Medicine, Vol. 39, Núm. 17, pp. 2291-2307


  1. Nonparametric inference and covariate significance tests in mixture cure models

    Livro de Atas III Encontro Luso-Galaico de Biometria DMat, Univ. Aveiro 28 - 30 junho 2018 (Sociedade Portuguesa de Estatística), pp. 6-7


  1. Nonparametric covariate significance tests in mixture cure models

    Actas XIII Congreso Galego de Estatística e Investigación de Operacións: Ferrol, do 26 ao 28 de outubro de 2017

  2. Nonparametric incidence estimation and bootstrap bandwidth selection in mixture cure models

    Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, Vol. 105, pp. 144-165

  3. Nonparametric latency estimation for mixture cure models

    Test, Vol. 26, Núm. 2, pp. 353-376


  1. Nonparametric incidence and latency estimation in mixture cure models

    XII Congreso Galego de Estatística e Investigación de Operacións: Lugo, 22-23-24 de outubro de 2015. Actas