Eiras López
Profesor Titular de Universidade
Martínez Abella
Catedrático de Universidade
Publications by the researcher in collaboration with Fernando Martínez Abella (20)
2 PREHEALING: Design of concrete precast elements incorporating sustainable strategies for self-healing to increase their service life. Concrete analysis
3 PREHEALING: Design of concrete precast elements incorporating sustainable strategies for self-healing to increase their service life: Full-Scale Prototypes
1 PREHEALING: Design of concrete precast elements incorporating sustainable strategies for self-healing to increase their service life. Material characterization
1 PREHEALING: Design of concrete precast elements incorporating sustainable strategies for self-healing to increase their service life. Material characterization
2 PREHEALING: Design of concrete precast elements incorporating sustainable strategies for self-healing to increase their service life. Concrete analysis
2 PREHEALING: Design of concrete precast elements incorporating sustainable strategies for self-healing to increase their service life. Concrete analysis
3 PREHEALING: Design of concrete precast elements incorporating sustainable strategies for self-healing to increase their service life. Concrete analysis
3 PREHEALING: Design of concrete precast elements incorporating sustainable strategies for self-healing to increase their service life. Concrete analysis
Deformation recovery of reinforced concrete beams made with recycled coarse aggregates
Engineering Structures, Vol. 251
De la teoría a la práctica en Laboratorio de Estructuras de Hormigón: Grado en Ingeniería de Obras Públicas
Investigación y práctica en la educación superior (Educación), pp. 665-670
Flexural performance of reinforced concrete beams made with recycled concrete coarse aggregate
Engineering Structures, Vol. 156, pp. 32-45
Formación experimental en el Laboratorio de Construcción del Máster de Ingeniería de Caminos (UDC)
Investigación y práctica en la educación superior (Educación), pp. 671-676
Bond behavior of recycled concrete: Analysis and prediction of bond stress-slip curve
Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, Vol. 29, Núm. 10
Estudio de la influencia de los principales parámetros que definen un solape de barras
VII Congreso Internacional de Estructuras: [resúmenes publicados en la revista Hormigón y Acero (ISSN 0439-5689), v. 68, especial Congreso, junio 2017]
Estudio de la influencia de los principales parámetros que definen un solapo de barras
Hormigón y acero, Núm. 283, pp. 193-200
Recuperación de flechas en hormigones reciclados estructurales
VII Congreso Internacional de Estructuras: [resúmenes publicados en la revista Hormigón y Acero (ISSN 0439-5689), v. 68, especial Congreso, junio 2017]
Metodología aplicada en el desarrollo práctico de la asignatura Control de calidad e instrumentación
Experiencias docentes innovadoras en la educación superior (Educación), pp. 307-311
Effect of recycled coarse aggregate on damage of recycled concrete
Materials and Structures/Materiaux et Constructions, Vol. 44, Núm. 10, pp. 1759-1771
Artificial Intelligence techniques applied to reinforced concrete
Structures and Architecture - Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Structures and Architecture, ICSA 2010
Structural shear behaviour of recycled concrete with silica fume
Construction and Building Materials, Vol. 23, Núm. 11, pp. 3406-3410