Assessment of the toxicological risks of atmospheric particulate matterin-vitro bioavailability of priority pollutants, oxidative potential and cytotoxicity

  1. Novo Quiza, Natalia
Supervised by:
  1. Purificación López Mahía Director
  2. Jorge Moreda-Piñeiro Director

Defence university: Universidade da Coruña

Fecha de defensa: 29 July 2024

  1. Marta Lores Chair
  2. María Piñeiro Iglesias Secretary
  3. Daniele Contini Committee member

Type: Thesis


The main objective of this Doctoral Thesis is to study the assessment of the risk posed by particulate matter through different approaches to predict the toxicity to human health. The publications presented in this study deal with various themes related to these topics. In particular, they cover:the development of new analytical methods in order to evaluate the presence of priority pollutants in the bioavailable fraction of particulate matter, the assessment of the oxidative potential and the study of the cytotoxicity. Additionally, the correlations of these risk estimation meares with components of particulate matter and with some optical properties(equivalent black carbon and the fraction of PM that absorbs UV radiation) have been studied.