Estudio descriptivo prospectivo de la asociación de osteoartritis de rodillas con el síndrome metabólico, en la cohorte PROCOAC durante el período comprendido 2006-2021Impacto en la severidad y progresión de la enfermedad

  1. Raga Sivira, Ana Cecilia
Dirigida por:
  1. Francisco J. Blanco García Director
  2. Natividad Oreiro Villar Director/a

Universidad de defensa: Universidade da Coruña

Fecha de defensa: 18 de julio de 2024

  1. Benjamín Fernández Gutiérrez Presidente/a
  2. Javier de Toro Santos Secretario
  3. Eva Salgado Pérez Vocal
  1. Fisioterapia, Medicina y Ciencias Biomédicas

Tipo: Tesis


This doctoral thesis analyzes the clinical metabolic phenotype associated with knee osteoarthritis (OA) and metabolic syndrome (MS), through a prospective descriptive study within the first osteoarthritis cohort in Spain, the PROCOAC (PROspective COhort of A Coruña) spanning from 2006 to 2021. This cohort comprises 1478 individuals with osteoarthritis, from which 678 diagnosed with knee OA were selected.Inclusion criteria were based on age (over 55 years), radiographic diagnosis of knee OA according to ACR criteria, and follow-up every 2 years, gathering clinical, analytical, genetic, and radiographic data. The radiological grade was also assessed using the Kellgren-Lawrence (KL) scale to grade knee OA, as well as the presence of joint prostheses or fractures.The results show the description and progression in knee osteoarthritis, highlighting an association between age, BMI, and the extent of involvement in other joints. Additionally, it emphasizes the experienced pain and radiographic damage in patients with grades of involvement equal to or less than 2 according to the KL scale. This work reveals that metabolic syndrome is not a risk factor to knee OA progression.