WASHTREET project experimental data

  1. Naves, Juan 1
  2. Anta, Jose 1
  3. Suárez, Joaquín 1
  4. Puertas, Jerónimo 1
  1. 1 Universidade da Coruña

    Universidade da Coruña

    La Coruña, España

    ROR https://ror.org/01qckj285

Editor: Zenodo

Año de publicación: 2019

Tipo: Dataset


<strong>WASHTREET project experimental data.</strong> This dataset contains the results from the tests carried out at a laboratory physical model in the Hydraulic Laboratory of the Centre for Technological Innovation in Construction and Civil Engineering (CITEEC) at the University of A Coruña (Spain) as part of the WASHTREET project. The objective of the project is perform a series of high-resolution experiments where urban surface wash-off and sediment transport through gully pots and pipes were accurately measured in laboratory-controlled conditions in a separate drainage system. The experimental facility is a 36 m<sup>2</sup> full-scale street section and consists of a rainfall simulator placed over a concrete street surface with two gully pots that drain runoff into an underground pipe system. Further details of the physical model are provided in ‘<em>1_Physical_model_description.pdf</em>’. Two zip files with rain intensity distributions (‘<em>2_Rain_intensity_maps.zip</em>’) and model topographies (‘<em>3_Elevation_data.zip’</em>) complete physical model information as accurately measured inputs for hydraulic, wash-off and sediment transport experiments. ‘<em>4_Hydraulic_tests_description.pdf</em>’ describes experimental procedure, equipment, measuring points, results and data set files of the hydraulic characterization of the experiments. Data regarding these hydraulic tests is included in<em> ‘5_Hydraulic_tests.zip’</em>. In these tests, flow in both gully pots and in the pipe system outlet, and a total of 6 surface and 6 pipe depths were measured by ultrasound distance sensors for the different simulated rains. ‘<em>6_Washoff_tests_description.pdf</em>’ includes information of the experimental initial conditions, the different sediment granulometries used, measuring points, experimental procedure and result files regarding wash-off and sediment transport experiments. Data files of a total of 23 tests are included in ‘<em>7_Wash-off_tests.zip</em>’. In these experiments, an initial mass of sediment is distributed over the model surface, and the wash-off and sediment transport processes are measured during a steady and uniform rainfall by total suspended solids (TSS) samples at the entrance of gully pots and at the pipe system outlet. Online turbidity measurements at pipe system outlet, pipe depths and flow at pipe system outlet are also measured during experiments. Results regarding mass balances, which are performed at the end of the experiment to obtain the final distribution of sediments, are also included At last, some relevant photos and videos taken during the experiments are provided in ‘<em>8_Multimedia.zip</em>’. The WASHTREET project is being developed in the scope of the PhD thesis of the first author, which is in receipt of a Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities predoctoral grant [FPU14/01778]. The project also receive funding from the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities under POREDRAIN project RTI2018-094217-B-C33 (MINECO/FEDER-EU)