Data Storage Report. RODBreak - Wave run-up, overtopping and damage in rubble-mound breakwaters under oblique extreme wave conditions due to climate change scenarios

  1. Santos, João Alfredo 1
  2. Lemos, Rute 2
  3. Weimper, Julius 3
  4. Gronz, Oliver 3
  5. Hofland, Bas 4
  6. Sande, José 5
  7. Peña, Enrique 5
  8. Reis, Maria Teresa 2
  9. Fortes, Conceição Juana 2
  10. Figuero, Andrés 5
  11. Bornschein, Antje 6
  12. Kerpen, Nils 7
  13. Pedro, Francisco 1
  14. Coimbra, Mário 1
  15. Körner, Moritz 6
  16. van den Bos, Jeroen 4
  17. Dost, Bastien 3
  18. Carvalho, Rita 8
  19. Alvarellos, Alberto 5
  20. Pohl, Reinhard 6
  1. 1 ISEL – Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa, Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa
  2. 2 LNEC - Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil
  3. 3 University of Trier

    University of Trier

    Tréveris, Alemania


  4. 4 Delft University of Technology

    Delft University of Technology

    Delft, Holanda


  5. 5 Universidade da Coruña

    Universidade da Coruña

    La Coruña, España


  6. 6 Dresden University of Technology

    Dresden University of Technology

    Dresde, Alemania


  7. 7 University of Hannover

    University of Hannover

    Hanóver, Alemania


  8. 8 Universidade de Coimbra

    Universidade de Coimbra

    Coímbra, Portugal


Editor: Zenodo

Ano de publicación: 2019

Tipo: Dataset


Wave breaking / run-up / overtopping and their impact on the stability of rubble-mound breakwaters (both at trunk and roundhead) are not adequately characterized yet for climate change scenarios. The same happens with the influence of high-incidence angles on such phenomena. To study these phenomena a stretch of a rubble-mound breakwater (head and part of the adjoining trunk, with a slope of 1(V):2(H)) was built in the wave basin of the LUH, The trunk of the breakwater was 7.5 m long and the head had the same cross section as the exposed part of breakwater. The model was 9.0 m long, 0.82 m high and 3.0 m wide. The angle between the longitudinal axis of the breakwater and the tank wall was 70º. Two types of armour elements (rock and Antifer cubes) were tested. 60 tests were carried out in this experiment to assess, under extreme wave conditions (wave steepness of 0.055) with different incidence wave angles (from 40º to 90º), the structure behaviour in what concerns wave run-up, wave overtopping and damage progression of the armour layer. The report describes the data collected in those tests as well as how such data is stored.