Improving the Capabilities of 2d Shallow Water Models for Hydrological Applications

  1. García Alén, Gonzalo
Supervised by:
  1. Luis Cea Director
  2. Jerónimo Puertas Co-director

Defence university: Universidade da Coruña

Fecha de defensa: 04 June 2024

  1. Fernando Espejo Almodóvar Chair
  2. Jose Anta Secretary
  3. Hélène Roux Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 841991 DIALNET lock_openRUC editor


The adoption of fully distributed models, especially those based on the 2D shallow water equations (2D-SWE), is becoming a common approach in rainfall-runoff simulations at the basin scale. These models have a great potential since they effectively capture the interactions of hydrological processes and their spatial variability. However, their use in practical applications is limited due to the substantial computational resources they necessitate for numerical solving, owing to their greater complexity, and the lack of well-established calculation methodologies. The objective of this thesis is to enhance the capabilities of hydrological models based on the 2D shallow water equations by optimizing the calculation and calibration processes, and validating their calculation methodology. Using Iber as a recognized 2D-SWE model, this research concluded a mesh resolution threshold from which the model provides comparable outflow results, validated the accurate representation of anthropogenic alterations of the river channel, and successfully employed two data assimilation approaches, even creating a new framework for parameter calibration. The findings presented hold significant applicability and potential for transfer to other 2D-SWE models.