El piano en la danza españolahabilidades, competencias y metodología para el acompañamiento pianístico de la danza estilizada

  1. Chicano Pérez, José Luis
Dirixida por:
  1. Pilar Martínez Clares Director
  2. José González-Monteagudo Director

Universidade de defensa: Universidad de Murcia

Fecha de defensa: 30 de maio de 2024

  1. M. Teresa Padilla-Carmona Presidente/a
  2. Gregorio Vicente Nicolás Secretario/a
  3. Eva María Espiñeira Bellón Vogal

Tipo: Tese


The piano has been positioned since its genesis as the main accompanying instrument par excellence. Dance has not been an exception. However, the piano accompaniment of dance has been, and continues to be, a historically neglected discipline, even more so if it focuses on the specificity of Danza Española and, within it, in its most complete form: Danza Estilizada. Pianists, dancers and dance teachers have been demanding greater training that provides accompanying musicians with sufficient resources to undertake a dance class with sufficient guarantees. The vast majority of dance pianists in Spain face a class for the first time without knowing what and how they have to play. In fact, many of them do not even know that the profession exists until the moment they perform it. It is undeniable that their prior training is null. And this is much more pressing in the case of Danza Española since the literature on the matter is practically non-existent. So much so, that this work is positioned as the first Doctoral Thesis referring to the piano accompaniment of Danza Estilizada. Given this, and in response to said problem, an Applied Research has been developed, through a qualitative and socio-critical methodology based on Action Research, where the figure of the teacher researcher, pianists and Danza Española teachers from the Conservatorio de Danza de Murcia have been key as protagonists of the entire process. All of this with the objective of how Danza Estilizada classes are accompanied with the piano, determining what specialization, what competencies and what skills pianists need, and specifying the different musical, formal and choreographic elements of the musical discourse of said discipline, in order to develop a specific methodology for piano accompaniment. Thus, it has been established how Danza Estilizada classes are defined and structured and what music is required to accompany them. And for this, the different elements that make up the music for Danza Estilizada have been extracted, where the genres of Spanish popular dance, the repertoire of the so-called Nacionalismo Musical Español and Flamenco will be fundamental, establishing which musical elements are necessary for the musical discourse to have Spanish character. All of this in order to establish the competencies and skills that must germinate in pianists to accompany Danza Estilizada classes. Finally, based on all of the above, a series of musical proposals have been developed, organized according to their rhythm, for all the exercises that can be accompanied in classes. Proposals that have been meticulously analysed, extracting the different elements that have configured them, to understand how have been designed and thus be able to recreate them. Because what it is about is know how and why the musical elements that make up each exercise have been formed, in order, based on them, to develop one's own musical discourse. In short, a teaching and learning guide to learn how to learn to accompany Danza Estilizada.