Situación actual de la gestióndel COVID a bordo delos buques

  1. Veronica Prieto Cabo 1
  2. Julio Louro Rodriguez 1
  1. 1 Universidade da Coruña

    Universidade da Coruña

    La Coruña, España


Congreso Internacional Marítimo: los factores de resiliencia de las regiones marítimas en el mundo post-covid.: Libro de actas, A Coruña, 5 y 6 de octubre de 2022
  1. Fernando González Laxe (coord.)
  2. María José Rodríguez Docampo (coord.)

Publisher: Servizo de Publicacións ; Universidade da Coruña

Year of publication: 2022

Pages: 139-144

Congress: Congreso Internacional Marítimo (1. 2022. A Coruña)

Type: Conference paper


The aim of this presentation is to present and publicise the current situation in termsof management and operations carried out on board ships after their operability wasaffected by the numerous changes that have taken place, mainly in terms of procedures, during the pandemic caused by COVID-19. For this purpose, we havebenefited from the contributions of different professional seafarers and organisationsinvolved, who have experienced the situation at first hand, allowing us to learnabout some of the measures adopted on board during this situation, to ensure safeand effective management of ships, appropriate to the situation at the time.Subsequently, based on these measures, we will analyse their current state,determining whether they are still in force and have the prospect of remaining inforce over time, or whether, on the contrary, they have been disappearing in thispost-pandemic situtation.