Severino González Fernández, un desconocido

  1. González Gil, Clara 1
  2. González Gil, Ana 1
  3. Pernas Varela, Antonio
  1. 1 Investigadora independiente
VAD: veredes, arquitectura e divulgación

ISSN: 2659-9139 2659-9198

Year of publication: 2020

Issue Title: Los secundarios

Issue: 4

Pages: 118-120

Type: Article

More publications in: VAD: veredes, arquitectura e divulgación


  Severino González Fernández, architect (Benavente, 1936 - A Coruña, 1985). Official of the MOPU, professor in the early days of the ETSAC and liberal professional. He develops his work in Madrid and Galicia, where he grew up and to which he returns after finishing his degree in 1966. Important clients such as Gil Gayarre Foundation, Telefónica, Balcarsa, promoters and many particulars, allow him to develop an innovative, work free from prejudice, without following a specific school or an appointed professor. With a restless attitude, Severino was a constantly evolving free spirit. This is how his colleagues define him, this is how he lived his life and his architecture, thought for the client and thought to be lived. Functional yes, plastic, too. He died suddenly in January 1985. He still had a lot to do, but he didn't have time. His built legacy reflects him professionally, his great human legacy is remembered by his friends and colleagues. They say that he was not a secondary, in any case, an unknown.

Bibliographic References

  • Gayarre Galbete, Salvador; Gayarre Ruiz de Galarreta, Salvador y González Fernández, Severino. “Fundación Centro de Enseñanza Especial-Pozuelo de Alarcón (Madrid)”. Informes de la Construcción. Vol. 24, nº 235 (1971): 47-57.
  • Gayarre Galbete, Salvador; Gayarre Ruiz de Galarreta, Salvador; González Fernández, Severino. “Fundación Centro de Enseñanza Especial (Carretera de Pozuelo a Majadahonda”. Arquitectura 185 (1974): 65-68.