Si ka badu, ka ta biraduUnha experiencia de investigación sobre coidados transnacionais levada ao audiovisual
- Luzia Oca González 1
- Keina Espiñeira 2
- Belén Fernández Suárez 2
- Antía Pérez-Caramés 2
- Iria Vázquez Silva 3
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
Universidade da Coruña
Universidade de Vigo
ISSN: 1579-6582
Year of publication: 2023
Issue Title: A percepción de Galicia desde Portugal e o mundo lusófono
Issue: 47
Pages: 67-82
Type: Article
More publications in: Tempo exterior
This article shows the intersection between an ethnographic research and an audiovisual documentary. Specifically, research has been carried out on the transnational behaviour of Cape Verdean migrant families in Burela, analysing, particularly, the flow of remittances and transnational care. Our approach to Cape Verdean transnational families adopts a gender focus, where we observe the relevance of Cape Verdean women in the fabric of these transnational relationships between the island of Santiago and Burela. Likewise, the approach is longitudinal, taking into account the diversity of existing family forms, which respond to different moments in the family and migratory cycle, as well as to different degrees of transnationalisation and international dispersion of the family. Based on these criteria, a multisite methodological strategy was designed in Burela and Cape Verde through the monitoring of five families. One of the fruits of this research is the documentary Si ka badu ka ta biradu, where the use of audiovisual techniques dialogues with the research process itself.
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