“Escolas a Tempo”. Una Experiencia de Dinamización Deportiva de un I.E.S. Desde la Óptica de los “Bancos de Tiempo” y el Aprendizaje Basado en Proyectos (A.B.P.).

  1. José Ignácio Salgado López
Revista de educación física: Renovar la teoría y practica

ISSN: 1133-0546

Ano de publicación: 2017

Número: 148

Páxinas: 17-26

Tipo: Artigo

Outras publicacións en: Revista de educación física: Renovar la teoría y practica


In this paper, it is presented a summary of the didactic experience implemented in the 2014-15 course at IES Leliadoura (Ribeira - A Coruña), awarded the second place in the "IV Educational Innovation Prize “Escola Viva" organized by FETE-UGT Galicia and currently active. With it we have dynamized the physical-sport activity at the high school through sports schools designed under the principles of "time banks" and collaborative work, within an integrative and egalitarian vision. In addition, this process was incardinated with the curriculum of P.E. of the first year of baccalaureate, through the method of project based learning (P.B.L.). Briefly, in the proposed project, the students of this year, must organize physical-sport activity in which the rest of components of the educational community can participate.

Referencias bibliográficas

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  • 2. Navaridas Nalda, F. (2004). Estrategias didácticas en el aula universitaria. Logroño, Universidad de La Rioja.
  • 3. OMS (2010). Recomendaciones mundiales sobre actividad física para la salud. Ginebra, OMS. Consultado 17/05/2013 en http://apps.who.int/iris/bitstream/10665/44441/1/9789243599977_spa.pdf
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