Las emociones como condicionante didáctico en la enseñanza e los deportes sociomotores de colaboración-oposiciónestudio de los problemas afectivos derivados del contacto en rugby, balonmano y boleivol

  1. José Salgado López 1
  1. 1 IES Leliadoura (Ribeira)
Revista Española de Educación Física y Deportes: REEFD

ISSN: 1133-6366

Year of publication: 2015

Issue: 410

Pages: 99-101

Type: Article

More publications in: Revista Española de Educación Física y Deportes: REEFD


Starting from the conceptualization of emotional problems related to contact, we study its influence in the learning of Rugby, Handball and Volleyball. This concept groups emotions related to the maintenance of physical integrity: fear of physical contact, fear of falling, fear of the ball, etc together with other emotions related to social aspects such as embarrassment or disgust. This thesis broaches three studies in the frame of qualitative research through the method of analysis of content assisted with quantitative strategies within the Mixed Methods. The two first were carried out at the university sphere and the third one at the school setting. The first of these studies was used for establishing a methodology within the “analysis of content in personal documents”. The second one was a prospective study which allowed the description of the reality in study at the university level and the refinement in methodology. So, the method focused on the “analysis of diaries with interviews about them” together with the support of computer tools of qualitative analysis (CAQDAS). The third of these studies replies the former one at the school setting and it also incorporates sociometrists and questionnaires. The main finds are: the presence of emotional problems related to contact in the teaching of the studied sports is confirmed; the negative influence of these emotions in the teaching-learning process is validated; the types of contacts which generate more problems are described as well as the factors to take into account to control those problems.