Establecimiento e implantación de sistemas de producción más limpia en la extracción minera en la parte alta de la provincia de El Oro (Ecuador)

  1. Romero Black, Wilton Eduardo
Supervised by:
  1. J. Arturo Santaballa Director
  2. Moisés Canle Co-director

Defence university: Universidade da Coruña

Fecha de defensa: 26 February 2024

  1. Ana Maria Antão-Geraldes Chair
  2. Guillermo Iglesias-Gómez Secretary
  3. Maite García-Ordás Committee member
  1. Chemistry

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 835920 DIALNET lock_openRUC editor


Mining is one of the oldest activities of the human being, specifically the extraction of gold, using traditional processes, is associated with a disastrous environmental impact. An alternative for the benefit process to become a more sustainable activity is the application of the Cleaner Production tool, which seeks to minimize the use of non-renewable natural resources, the generation of pollutants and occupational risks. The application of the PmL tool was carried out at the El Puma plant using the United Nations Industrial Development Organization methodology based on the 5M method: Machine, Medium, Method, Material, Workforce. It was necessary to act on all stages of the process. The action on various machinery implied an improvement in energy efficiency as well as a lower occupational accident rate. The reuse of water has implied a more sustainable use of this resource and the potential reuse of tailings turns this residue into a resource. PmL has implied an average improvement of 12% in efficiency and productivity. On the other hand, from the point of view of operating income, there has been an increase of 32.64%, with the forecast of an increase of more than 10% in successive years.