O cousoUna forma aldeana de traducir das Ding, de Martin Heidegger

  1. Otero Villena, Almudena
  2. Palao Gómez, Ramón
Pensar la traducción: La filosofía de camino entre las lenguas. Actas del Congreso (Talleres de comunicaciones). Madrid, septiembre de 2012
  1. Gómez Ramos, A. (dir. congr.)

Publisher: Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

ISBN: 978-84-616-8521-9

Year of publication: 2014

Pages: 177-186

Congress: Congreso Internacional "Pensar la traducción : La filosofía de camino entre las lenguas" (1. 2012. Getafe (Madrid))

Type: Conference paper


Heidegger is considered an author who is difficult to translate due to his language, which is full of neologisms. This use of language is rooted in his philosophical conception: Heidegger's works can be understood as an effort to destroy, to break down the inflexibility of metaphysical concepts and to set language in motion again. To achieve this he uses a variety of resources, deriving words and blending them, bringing a musical quality to his discourse. On the basis of this premise we present a Galician translation of the text Das Ding, focusing less on literal conceptual (metaphysical) precision than on bringing across the movement of Heidegger's language.