Experiencias de cuidado en las pérdidas del embarazoTriangulación metodológica entre estudios meta etnográficos y empírico
- 1 Universidad de A Coruña, España
ISSN: 2184-7770
Year of publication: 2022
Issue: 13
Type: Article
More publications in: New Trends in Qualitative Research
Introduction: Involuntary pregnancy loss is a relatively common event, especially in the clinical practice of midwives and nurses. The care provided by health professionals, and especially nurses and midwives, is crucial for the short- and long-term well-being of parents. However, health personnel report how unprepared they are and how stressful and demanding it is the care for these losses. In order to know the experiences of nurses and midwives in the care of involuntary pregnancy loss, two studies were developed, one with a meta-ethnographic methodology (qualitative meta-synthesis), and another inspired by the phenomenological hermeneutic design (empirical study), methodologically triangulating the general objective. Goals: This manuscript intends to show and reflect on the use of methodological triangulation, between a meta-ethnographic study and an empirical one, to know the experiences of care in pregnancy losses. Methods: The development of meta-ethnography followed the seven phases described by Noblit and Hare (1988), and the phenomenological hermeneutic study was inspired by the work of Lindseth and Norberg (2004). Results: Nurses and midwives who cared for parents who have suffered an involuntary pregnancy loss, faced difficulties that required leaving their comfort zone. This caused them not to get emotionally involved with parents and that, if they did, the care was based on their intuition. Conclusions: The methodological triangulation has allowed us to have greater confidence in the credibility of the study findings. Both studies informed the body of knowledge in nursing sciences and promote a change in clinical practice, since the results show the complexity of the experience of nursing and midwifery care in involuntary pregnancy loss.
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